Direct Response or Bust!

Direct response marketing is a marketing that demands a direct response from your potential customers.

This type of marketing is used to answer questions, present your branding, products and the reason you do what you do. Customers love this, as they are offered the opportunity to response, whether that be in the way of signing up for a newsletter, posting a comment on your site or blog, or purchasing a product from you.

So, what does direct response marketing look like? Well, it comes in many forms, including:

  • Direct mail
  • Print ads
  • Radio and TV ads
  • Coupons or other incentives
  • Telemarketing

Some of the advantages of direct marketing are:

  • A great way to use free time during lulls in business.
  • Productive way to communicate and empower you to create more relationships.
  • Great way to up- and cross-sell to current customers.
  • Low cost way to rustle up new business.
  • Used as leverage to turn small sales into large sales.
  • Supplement your current marketing program.
  • Cost-effective way to reach target markets.
  • Offers measurable results.
  • Reach outside your local area for new business.
  • Increase the effectiveness of your sales force.

These are all great things that can come from just taking a few simple steps to putting together a direct response marketing plan and executing it.

“I honestly don’t think you’ll ever find a safer, lower-risk, higher-profit method of increasing your business or profession than direct-response marketing.” – Jay Abraham

Direct response marketing is one of the best ways to launch your business on a large scale and reach out to everyone in your target market whether they are in your local area or not. Our FREE test drive can help you put together a great direct response marketing plan and get you on your way to heightened success.

Learn how to generate all the leads your business can handle…
WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising.

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Learn Using Social Media for Better Results

Are you using Social Media? Did you know that Social Media is a great way to make your business grow? Do you like to learn more about it and be more successful with your business?

Social Media can easily be used to build relationships with your so-called leads and to grow your email list.  Leads are for example your future customers or clients, but also future team-members. The nice thing about using Social Media is, that it is completely free. You only need an account.

I use Social Media a lot. I have my Facebook page which is slowly getting more likes over time. I am a member of multiple Facebook groups to share my knowledge and interact. I use this website and have it linked to my Social Media accounts. I also started to use Instagram recently. Google+ and Twitter are my next step.

Another way how I use Facebook groups is for coaching. Once in a while I have a 30-day coaching event where I help a group of people to get back on track with their business and get going again.

As I said before you can use Social Media and find your leads for free. But if you like to speed things up a bit, you also have another option is, which is advertisement. Facebook has the Facebook Ads Manager to help you create ad’s and find your leads even faster.

But let’s start simple.

How to use social media  isn’t difficult to learn, but it will take some time to learn all the ropes. If you follow the steps of this blueprint I almost can guarantee you, that you will be successful. But that depends on you (and some other things). What I can guarantee you that you will receive soo much training, that not being successful is almost impossible.

Become an Extraordinary Entrepreneur

Become an extraordinary entrepreneur

Do you think that starting an home-business is easy? Do you think that when you work from home money will come in easily?

Unfortunately both aren’t true. The only part which is easy, is actually starting the business. After that, hard work will be a part of your everyday life, if you really want to be successful.

You also have to be persistent to keep going. And you have to invest. In yourself and in your business.  And it doesn’t matter what you are selling. If you sell your own products, if you sell products from an Direct Sales company, if you sell from an MLM company, if you are an affiliate.

“Fast money” doesn’t exist. Some people earn huge amounts of money right away, but only a very few people manage to do that. Earning enough money to stop with your day job will take time. I know that when you start an home business and you become an entrepreneur, you will be able to earn money and even more then average money.

But to get there you have to change from an average entrepreneur to an extraordinary entrepreneur. 

Most people are average. I am one of them. Why? Because I love the work I do, but I am also not driven to make it an everlasting activity. I like to do a lot of other things too. I am happy the way everything is going now. I help people with their businesses, and that gives me enough satisfaction, gives me a good feeling.

But what if I want more?

To only way to get more is by becoming extraordinary. And when I am ready to make that step, I know I will go for it.

Making that step isn’t easy.

  • You need the right mindset for it.
  • You constantly have to step out of your comfort zone.
  • You have to learn a lot more about Marketing.
  • You constantly have to make decisions what to do next.

Are you ready to become extraordinary??

Read more about it in this article “Seven steps to Become an Extraordinary Entrepreneur”. Then make the decision.